1. Cake Man Bakery
    Foto: Cake Man Bakery | Cake Man Bakery
  2. Porció de pastís d'ametlla, llimona, farigola i un cafè tallat, a la terrassa de l'establiment
    Foto: The Cake Man Bakery | The Cake Man Bakery
  3. Porcions de pastissets farcits d'ametlla i coberts de melmelada de cirera
    Foto: The Cake Man Bakery | The Cake Man Bakery
  4. Quiche lorraine de tomàquet
    Foto: The Cake Man Bakery | The Cake Man Bakery


The Cake Man Bakery (CLOSED)

4 out of 5 stars
  • Shopping | Bakeries
  • El Poblenou
  • Recommended
Ricard Martín

Time Out says

Australian pastry chef Hayden Colledge worked out of Honey-B until he branched out on his own in the heart of Poblenou at the beginning of 2020. He says his distinguishing feature as a baker in Barcelona is his affinity for Australian and English pastries (he lived in England for a decade). He invents things that will make you fall off your seat when you eat them, like a cheesecake made with coffee and croissant.

If you place an order, Colledge is happy to accommodate the needs of vegans and those who eat lactose- and gluten-free, but otherwise he's all about using premium eggs, butter, and flours. Among his classics, you'll find what's considered one of Australia's national desserts, the Lamington cake: chocolate and coconut cake filled with raspberry jam! And he does an unforgettable vegan chocolate cake with pistachios and rose petals, which is a house speciality: once you eat a slice of this light and tasty cake, you will not be able to leave a crumb behind.


Amistat, 18
Llacuna (M: L4)
Opening hours:
Lu. cerrado. De ma. a sá. de 9 a 16 h. Do. de 10 a 15 h.
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