The Vida festival has become one of the biggest summer music festivals in Spain. This year the programme features an even bigger and stronger line-up on the inaugural day, with French band Phoenix as proof. The Vida festival is on from June 29 to July 2 in the natural surroundings of the old Masía de Can Parellada farmhouse in the community of Vilanova i la Geltrú.
The first night isn't going to be a chilled-out one – in fact, the big names among the acts on the bill are two artists who have dance music running through their veins: English artist Erol Alkan (resident at the prestigious Trash Club in London) and Phoenix, who present their new album after a four-year wait. The band from Versailles are the heavyweights on a day that also bring in the local premiere of Les Sueques, with their energetic 'Movimiento' as well as Joan Miquel Oliver, who's also got new music to share. But wait, there's more! Las Bistecs are a sensation this year, triumphing with their electro-disgusting sound and show.

Friday is a big day for pop, which you'll get from all corners, mixed in with '60s sounds and electronica with La Casa Azul presenting a new album, and the languid harmonies and crystalline guitars from indie outfit Real Estate. From there we go to American pop-rockers Dr. Dog and the ironic tyranny of Los Punsetes. And it's all rounded out by the majestic psychedelic presence of longtime favourites Wayne Coyne and The Flaming Lips. Guitars are the stars once again with Devendra Banhart, with an album released this winter, and the incorruptible one-woman orchestra that is Lídia Damunt, sharing her magnificent 'Telepatía'.

The final night of Vida looks geared up to be full of emotions in full bloom with the show called 'Los Angeles' brought to you by Rosalía and Raül Refree, as well as performances by Enric Montefusco and Pau Vallvé, all leading up to the timeless and dreamy folk from Fleet Foxes. Special mention goes out to Barcelona-based Mishima, who are back on stages with a new album following a period away. American band Warpaint and Belgian producer The Magician put a final exclamation point at the end of the festival, which itself grows bigger and better every year.