Swing is in fashion and new-generation groups like Saphie Wells & the New Cats are here to prove it. Born in Peru and launched as a musician from El Taller de Músics in Barcelona, Saphie Wells is one of the most versatile, seductive voices to emerge on the jazz scene in this country. Now she appears with her most personal approach not only evoking the great jazz voices and composers of the thirties and forties (Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, and even Chet Baker) but also including in her repertoire some traditional Christmas pieces touched by the magic of swing. With the warmth of musicians who know the swing dynamic very well, Saphie Wells & The Swing Cats guarantee an evening of good music in unbeatable company.
Saphie Wells vocals, Joan Subirats sax, Marc Masagué guitar, Alejandro García Granados double bass.