Created and performed by: Claire Ducreux.
A vagabond chooses a street intersection as temporary shelter, converts two fences into the doors into his universe, a bridge becomes a boat, and a sculpture is his travelling companion. In 'Refugiada poética' ('Poetic Refugee'), the vagabond character is a metaphor of vulnerability, and works for Claire Ducreux in what she considers her 'simple artistic and human challenge: to search for authenticity and humility in order to share simple emotions and true moments of theatrical magic'. This piece was born from the desire to give life onstage to her two latest acclaimed street solos, 'Barco de arena' ('Boat of Sand') (Big Prize MiramirO, 2009) and 'La sonrisa del náufrgo' ('The Smile of the Shipwrecked') (2012) which, together with 'De paseo' ('Out for a Walk')(special award from the Feria de Artistas de Calle de Humor de Leioa – Umore Azoka, 2004), form the Trilogy of the vagabond.