Las Cuevas del Sorte
©Irene Fernández | Las Cuevas del Sorte


Las Cuevas del Sorte

3 out of 5 stars
  • Bars and pubs
  • El Gòtic
  • Recommended

Time Out says

This venue is now called Las Cuevas de los Rajahs

How well we lived when we lived in caves, my friends. No mortgage payments, no water leaks, no hoarder neighbours. That's why I like Las Cuevas del Sorte, because it's decorated like an ancestral grotto, and going down into the depths of the bar is like going back to the days when we were content with a walking stick and a loin cloth made of mammoth leather.

This curious bar is a hole sculpted in stone on the otherwise gloomy C/Gignàs, one of the Barri Gòtic's most malodorous arteries. As you walk in, the upper floor greets you with its tiny uneven space, white walls, and the lot of it covered with countless stalactites – even under the bar. 

Down the stairs (which seem more precarious as the night goes on) is the main attraction, the cave itself with its Caribbean flavour and cheery feel: despite the darkness there are candles dotted here and there in the stone walls, and the owners always seem like they're happiest when they're mixing you up a drink and placing it down on the esoteric coasters in the form of playing cards. If for some reason you don't want to try one of the most scrumptious mojitos in town, opt for their house recipes made with fruit juices, and let yourself be intoxicated by your surroundings.



Gignàs, 2
Barri Gòtic
Jaume I (M: L4)
Opening hours:
Daily 7pm-3am.
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