1. La Fábrica del Vermutillo
    © Ivan Giménez | La Fábrica del Vermutillo
  2. La Fábrica del Vermutillo
    © Ivan Giménez | La Fábrica del Vermutillo


La Fábrica del Vermutillo (CLOSED)

4 out of 5 stars
  • Bars and pubs | Wineries
  • price 1 of 4
  • Dreta de l'Eixample
  • Recommended

Time Out says

Any time is a good time for vermouth, but the local time to enjoy the drink with its accompaniments is around noon, before lunch. Do it like the locals, standing up with your drink and snacks. The patatas bravas are addictive and served with a mix of well-balanced sauces. The 'tostadas' (big pieces of toast with various toppings) are amazing, as are the olives (try the ones with marinated salmon) and the tinned treats. As for the vermouth itself, it's nothing short of impeccable. This is a place where you can tell they know how to respect the long tradition of all that is Catalan vermouth, where you could place order after order, turning the vermouth 'hour' into lunch, dinner and beyond.


València, 244
Dreta de l'Eixample
Universitat (M: L1)
Opening hours:
Mon-Thu 9am-midnight; Fri, Sat 9am-1am; Sun noon-5pm
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