Ai Weiwei is a much sought-after artist at the moment, despite having been confined to living in China since 2011. Known for his political activism, the son of the poet Ai Qing has openly positioned himself against the Chinese regime and has taken his dissent to the art world in the form of large installations that have been shown in museums around the world. For the
Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Ai Weiwei himself has designed '
On the Table', an exhibition conceived as a retrospective that zooms in on various moments of the artist's career as he's worked with photography, sculpture, video and architecture. He says his favourite word is 'action', and that he needs to take pictures like he needs air to breathe (check him out on Instagram, where he's quite active). 'Liberty is about our rights to question everything,' he has said. Before you head to the Virreina and see for yourself, we've put together a sampler of the artist's work to whet your appetite.