SHA is a certificate given by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to hotels and services that meet pandemic-level safety and health standards. These include cleaning regularity, placement of sanitizers, table arrangements, adequate signage and several staff procedures. Basically, it’s a certificate meant to assure you that the establishment you’re staying at practices proper hygiene protocols and is safe to visit.
SHA+ is simply an upgraded—stricter, we say—version of SHA. Being a SHA+ hotel means more than 70 percent of the staff is fully vaccinated and that no unvaccinated staffers are allowed to have close contact with guests. It also requires each staff member to be prepped with COVID-19 emergency solutions. Currently, there are around 300 SHA+ hotels around Thailand. Only these establishments can issue the SHABA certificate.
The SHA+ identification is also given to specific types of services, such as limos and taxis. Click here to read more about the certificates.