Born and raised in the UK, Alexander Albon started driving at a very young age, not so suprising since his dad, Nigel Albon, is a former British racer. After years of experience in the field, Albon has become the second racer in history to represent Thailand on the F1 track, after Prince Bir bongse Bhanudej Bhanubandh or Prince Bira in the 1950s.
He calls himself a rookie, but we can’t deny that this young talent is definitely one to watch.

What does it mean to you to represent Thailand as an F1 racer?
Very exciting. I’m very proud. Prince Bira was the first driver. I was the second. So yeah, it’s crazy to think [of]. I see people with Thai flags, and It makes me really happy to know that people are interested in Formula 1 and watching me, and I hope to do them proud.
What goes through your mind before and during the race?
Before the race, it’s more focus. When you drive, it’s a bit like a checkers. You’re thinking at every corner about what you have to do. So before the race, I’m just making sure of what I want to do with the car. And then during the race, I’m kind of relaxed and everything kind of stops. You can think about everything. You can think about what you had for dinner last night [laughs]. Or anything. You’re in like a cloud. That’s when you’re just doing it. Everything was meant to be. You’re not thinking about driving. That’s kind of when you drive your best.

What made you become a racer in the first place?
My dad. When I was 7 years old, he bought me my first go-kart. He was my first mechanic. My first driver coach. So it’s very father and son. He taught me the basics of racing. And from there, I went on to race in Europe.
Can you still remember your feeling when you first drove a car?
Actually, the very first time, I was in Disneyland in Florida, I think. I was like four or five. I cried, and I was like, “No way, no way, I don’t want to do this” [laughs]. So my dad had to pick me up from the car. He was disappointed. He was like “I thought you’d like this.” And then I tried it again when I was seven, and I loved it. We used to live on a farm, so there was grass everywhere. After school, I would get in my go-kart and just drive around the field.

Who do you look up to?
Michael Schumacher, Valentino Rossi, and King Rama 9. Obviously, the first two are my racing idols. And for Rama 9, I look up to him for his work ethic and the way he spoke to people.
What are the most common misconceptions about your career?
That we live a glamorous life [laughs]. That’s not true at all. We spend all of it in hotels and on planes and in circuits. And we don’t do anything else, really. We don’t have a lot of free time. Racing is more lonely than people think. Because we’re always traveling by ourselves. We’re doing everything by ourselves. So yeah, that’s maybe the biggest thing.