1. Nang Loeng Market
    Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok
  2. Nang Loeng Market
    Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok
  3. Nang Loeng Market
    Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok
  4. Nang Loeng Market
    Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok
  5. Nang Loeng Market
    Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok

Nang Loeng Market

  • Shopping | Markets and fairs
  • Rattanakosin
Arpiwach Supateerawanitt

Time Out says

This iconic market in the Pom Prap Sattru Phai district (part of the Old Town) has been around for more than a hundred years, and is known among locals for its legendary street food restaurants, traditional dessert stalls and awe-inspiring preserved architecture that date back to the early days of Bangkok.


Nakhon Sawan 6 Alley
Wat Sommanat
Pom Prap Sattru Phai
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