
Two comedy shows to check out this week

Come laugh your asses off.

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Written by
Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
First Show Back
RAW Comedy | Open mic night

With the horrific outbreak of COVID-19 early this year, the fun Bangkok we all know has turned into a dull, depressing city like any other metropolises around the globe. But this week, two joy-savior venues are hosting a comedy show to bring back the lost laughter.

Stand-up comedy club RAW Comedy is hosting "First Show Back," the very first open mic night since the lockdown. Located at Live Lounge Bangkok on 5th August, the event will see an exciting line-up of international jokewriters and performers coming together to reclaim the throne of Bangkok's ever growing comedy scene. 

Meanwhile, Soho Bar will make Chinatown filled with giggles on 6th August with "Chinatown Comedy Night." The event is hosted by award-winning comedian Chris Raufeisen, joined by a horde of hilarious comedians, in the freshly renovated Chinese-styled bar alongside fusion Asian food and one free drink for every entry (B200 per person).

People say laughter is the best medicine. Well, don't miss the chance to heal what Miss Corona has done to us.

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