
This Chinese restaurant serves a whole chicken baked in a bread crust

The first exciting thing in Chinese cuisine in a long time!

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Written by
Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Golden Chicken/Pagoda

There’s much to be excited about now that restaurants and bars across the city are reopening. One of the things topping our list is a new offering from Pagoda. The signature Chinese restaurant at Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park has recently added a dish called Golden Chicken to its menu. 

Inspired by Beggar’s Chicken, the traditional Chinese celebratory eat where stuffed chicken is baked in clay to lock in flavors, this new chicken dish is enveloped in a bread crust and features a stuffing of mushrooms, Jinhua ham, scallops, and aromatic Chinese herbs such as goji and ginkgo. The crust is pretty thick, so you have to hammer the chicken three times to crack it up. (Pretty fun way to start a meal.)

Pagoda is only serving the Golden Chicken throughout December. Half (B688++) or whole (B1,288++) options are available. Call now at 0 2059 5999 for reservations.

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