
The faces of BACC: The guide

Top Koaysomboon
Written by
Top Koaysomboon
Editor-in-Chief, Time Out Bangkok
Jirarat Chaiyarach, BACC
Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok

“We need guides because—we have to admit—we didn’t grow up being educated in art. People come expecting to see paintings, but we, in fact, offer art in many other forms—photos, installations. Conceptual exhibitions that need interaction are the most difficult to explain to the audience because these go against our rule of never touching art pieces. So there are times when people don’t touch where we invite them to, but do so on pieces they shouldn't.”

Jirarat Chaiyarach is BACC’s senior docent. Jirarat graduated with a degree in food science but her passion for art has paved her way to becoming a guide. She has been with BACC for almost three years now.

Jirarat Chaiyarach, BACC

Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok

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