
Share a story that makes you smile in 2020 and win a prize from Marriott International

It’s part of the “Smiles Travelled a Thousand Miles” by Marriott International.

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Written by
Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
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Amidst the health crisis caused by the pandemic in 2020, Marriott International Asia Pacific wishes to be the one giving you a little light that shines on. “Smiles Travelled a Thousand Miles” is a part of their contributions to those affected by the COVID-19 from their employees, to associates, to guests. The campaign aims to boost positivity and solidarity in the society while sparking smiles and joy back to everyone’s face.

In addition, “Smiles Travelled a Thousand Miles” also reveals Singaporean artist Ripple Root’s uplifting artwork entitled as the same name of the campaign. The inspiration behind this painting is the smiles of all Marriott International members of staff from every region in Asia Pacific together with over 3,000 lives of guests. Botanical forms and tree branching are also applied into the painting to symbolize flourishing hope in the coming New Year.

Tourists and guests can witness the beauty of “Smiles Travelled a Thousand Miles” now until January 6, 2021 at JW Marriott Singapore South Beach, while there’s also a digital exhibition at some of the Marriott hotels across Asia Pacific.

During December 17-23, 2020, you can join a media giveaway campaign, “Your Smile Travels a Thousand Miles”, on the Facebook page of Marriott Bonvoy Asia Pacific by sharing your stories that make you smile this year and tell them where you want to travel in 2021.

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