Of all the painting genres, portraiture may be one of the most difficult, given that it requires hours of dedicated sitting, and bonding and connection between the artist and the subject. But once completed, a great portrait can reveal a million stories, whether happy or sorrowful, as told by a gleam in the eye or a furrow in the brow.
The RCB Portrait Prize, now called Italthai Portrait Prize, honors the painters who specialize in this genre, both professional artists and rising stars. Winners of the past year include rising artists Manop Monin and Teeraphong Kamolpu.

Three major awards are usually given: the grand prize of B500,000, the Packing Room Prize of B200,000, and the People’s Choice Prize of B100,000. This year will be the first time the competition will have the Youth Prize, a B100,000 award given to aspiring young artists.
This year’s judges include Italthai CEO Yuthachai Charanachitta, art collector Tom van Blarcom, River City MD Linda Cheng, and magazine editor and socialite Naphalai Areesorn.
The deadline for submissions is on 21 June. The list of artists who make it to the final round will be revealed on 16 August, while winners will be announced on 28 September. More information can be found at portraitprizethailand.com