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Shopping malls across the city are expected to reopen this Sunday (May 17), as the number of new COVID-19 cases remain slow. Many malls, including those operated by Siam Piwat—ICON SIAM, Siam Paragon, Siam Center and Siam Discovery—and those under the Central Group—CentralWorld, Central Chidlom and Central Embassy—are set to welcome back mallgoers with a few “new normal” regulations. These include:
1. Each mallgoer has to wear a mask. Malls by the Central Group will sell masks for patrons who don’t have one.
2. Each shopper will have their temperatures checked before entering the mall. Entrance will be denied to those with a temperature higher than 37.5.
3. Shoppers are encouraged to use mobile banking and e-payment systems instead of cash.
What malls are doing
1. Regular (every 30 minutes) and daily disinfection of high-touch surfaces like handrails and elevator buttons, and of restrooms.
2. Clothes that have been touched or fit by shoppers will be sterilized at Central Department Stores. Fittings rooms will be sanitized after every use.
3. Window shields will be mounted on dining tables, and concierge and cashier counters.
4. A limited amount of shoppers will be allowed inside each mall at a given time (one person/five square meters).
5. All diners will be seated at least one meter apart.
6. At malls under the Central Group, parking cards and charge cards will be disinfected before and after every use, while malls under Siam Piwat will disinfect cards every 30 minutes.
7. Daily deep-cleaning in all areas of the malls after closing.
8. Siam Paragon introduces walking thermoscan robots that can measure the temperature of mall-goers and warn them to wear masks while walking inside the mall.
Tanisorn Vongsoontorn/Time Out BangkokSiam PiwatSiam PiwatSiam PiwatSiam PiwatCentral Department StoreCentral Department StoreCentral Department Store