
Haoma's Deepanker Khosla named World’s 50 Best's ‘Champion of Change’ winner

Big congratulations to Chef DK!

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt
Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok | |

Haoma's frontman Deepanker "DK" Khosla is recognized by the World's 50 Best committee to be one of the three prestigious winners of brand-new award Champions of Change.

Back in early 2020, Thailand and the rest of the world were encountering the initial phase of the coronavirus pandemic, which caused devastating effects in all fronts. In response to the health crisis, an array of good doers has come together in order to provide support for those affected, and Chef DK is among those having created positive forces in Thailand.

He and his crew at the Indian fine-dining restaurant, in March 2020, jumpstarted the NOONEHUNGRY initiative as a COVID-19 relief program in Bangkok that aims to serve over 1,000 meals to people who lost their job and NGOs who provide for them. So far, the campaign has achieved its goal of delivering more than 125,000 meals.

More importantly, Chef DK and his charitable project have been awarded by the World's 50 Best people with their freshly launched prize entitled Champions of Change. This award is intended to "recognize and celebrate individuals who have used this [coronavirus] period as a springboard to drive meaningful action in their respective community."

In addition to the emphasis on bringing "opportunities for positive change," the winners of this award also commit to the long-term sustainability, and Chef DK is also widely regarded as an F&B figure in the kingdom who constantly pushes sustainable schemes in every of his endeavor.

"I am extremely delighted to be recognised for a lifetime achievement of not just my journey into the culinary world, but more so my commitment towards sustainability," Chef DK told World's 50 Best, "The experience of paying it forward to those who need help the most during this time has been truly humbling."

Alongside Chef DK, there are two more chefs who also receive the title of Champions of Change this year as well: Kurt Evans from Philadelphia, USA and Viviana Varese from Milan, Italy.

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