
Editor's Note: It's Songkran at home

Top Koaysomboon
Written by
Top Koaysomboon
Editor-in-Chief, Time Out Bangkok
Dinosaur Songkran
Narin Machaiya, Sereechai Puttes/Time Out Bangkok | |

For probably the first time in our lives, we won’t get to celebrate Songkran. No water splashing. No scented water offerings. No almsgiving. No visiting grandparents. It’s because we all need to observe social distancing rules and make sure we don’t screw up the national attempt to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

You all have a part to play. You can support local businesses by ordering food for takeout and delivery. You can maintain your health by eating well and regularly engaging in fitness activity. You can read books, catch up on TV shows you’ve been wanting to watch or learn a new skill—as long as you do it at home.

And please, donate where you can.

While you’re doing all these, we, at Time Out, promise to always suggest ideas and things you can do as you spend some “Time In.” And together, let’s all hold our breaths for when things get better and we can see each other again.

Note: The government has imposed a partial business shutdown and curfew throughout the Kingdom until—at the earliest—the 30th of April.

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