
Dune Rats, Hockey Dad, and Turnover to headline Bangkok's latest alternative music festival Pink Cloud

Written by
Suthima Thongmark

Local indie concert promoter Wildest Youth is introducing its first alternative music festival Pink Cloud Music & Art Festival focusing on surf punk, reggae, and dream pop music from up and coming artists from around the world. For the debut edition, there will be more than 10 Thai and international bands, art works and installations by artists, and more in the summer festival atmosphere.

The first edition's lineup includes Dune Rats (AUS), Hockey Dad (AUS), Turnover (USA), Verge Collection (AUS), Beddy Rays (AUS), Srirajah Rockers (TH), Death Of Heather (TH), Thud (HK), and more which will be announced soon.

Pink Cloud Music & Art Festival will be held on 25 May at Thai Wake Park. Tickets are B2,300 and on sale now via here.

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