
City Envy: Seoul is getting a giant floating KAWS figure, and we want it too!

Written by
Suthima Thongmark

Bangkokians have never had enough of KAWS. In 2016, the American artist brought the giant KAWS:BFF sculpture to display at Central Embassy. Earlier this year, The artist joined hands with Uniqlo and Sesame Street create a special collaboration that became an insane sensation. Still, we've never had an experience with a giant KAWS figure that's "floating" like Seoul is getting one! 

KAWS' official Instagram account has just dropped a news that the acclaimed artist is teaming up with AllRightsReserved to introduce a special summer project called KAWS:HOLIDAY, which features a 28-meter-tall sculpture that will lay floating on the surface of Seokchon Lake in Seoul. Limited edition merch goods, such as floating bed, bath toy, umbrella, towel and T-shirts, will be sold alongside.

Heading to Seoul soon? KAWS:HOLIDAY will be on show between 19 Jul and 19 Aug. 

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