time out bangkok magazine boys love
Sereechai Puttes, Narin Machaiya/Time Out Bangkok
Sereechai Puttes, Narin Machaiya/Time Out Bangkok

Time Out Bangkok magazine

Check out what's in this issue of Time Out Bangkok


Due to the Bangkok business shutdown to fight against the coronavirus outbreak, Time Out Bangkok will crease our print edition until further notice. However, you can still read the digital version or download your own copy to read on your digital devices for free here

No. 98 Thailand's thriving Boys Love Culture

As the Thai Boys Love television series and novels are on the rise, Time Out Bangkok talks to insiders to get to know more about what could evolve into the country’s new major entertainment export.

time out bangkok magazine boys love
Sereechai Puttes, Narin Machaiya/Time Out Bangkok

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Past issues

Covid-19 has taken its toll on tourism businesses all over the world. Thailand, once a thriving tourist destination that welcomed leisure and business visitors in droves, saw a dramatic drop in inbound arrivals in the first quarter of 2020. Severely affected are the hotels that rely heavily on the influx of foreign tourists. Many have decided to take a break and cease operations temporarily while some have even closed for good. Those left standing are now trying to appeal to the domestic market by launching appealing staycation packages that allow locals to relax and still feel like they’re on holiday when flying out of Thailand is still not an option. 

No. 96 Striking Structures

Bangkok’s Old Town boasts a diverse mix of traditional Thai structures and European-inspired heritage buildings. But architectural buffs will tell you that the city’s urban landscape has more to offer than grand temples and converted colonial homes. If you take time to research, walk around the city or even just look up, you’ll realize that Bangkok is home to a number of beautiful buildings bearing a variety of architectural styles, from neoclassical to modernist to postmodernist.

Now that there are fewer cars and people on the road—and provided you practice social distancing—this is probably the best time to go out with a camera and get your fill of Bangkok’s many modern architectural wonders.


Nobody knows when this pandemic will be over. But we know one thing: it has and will continue to change the way we live. 

In between trying all possible ways to survive (physically, mentally and emotionally), many have started talking about the possibility of a “new normal”. How will life go on in the future? How will we shop? Will there be concerts? Will e-commerce platforms overtake shopping malls? Will food delivery become a standard for restaurants? There are so many questions waiting to be answered.

Time Out has reached out to representatives from various industries. What they say reveal much about how a city is adapting and planning for a post-pandemic future.

Download your digital copy of the latest Time Out Bangkok here.

In this issue, during business shutdown and night curfew, we get into the digital world to explore how Bangkokians are using technology to help one another in the time of COVID-19. 

Download your digital copy here.


No. 90 Mario Maurer

Mario Maurer looks back into his 15 years in the Thai entertainment industry.

Read and download past issues here.

Where to pick up our latest issue

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