Infringes Film Program
The film programme curated by Komtouch Napattaloong is a showcase of the world's compelling films. The programme features outstanding films such as "While Smoke Signals" (UK, 2023), "Birth of Golden Snail" (Thailand, 2018), and "Unfinished Love Letter" (Czech Republic, 2020). The lineup also includes the outstanding films "Anito" (The Philippines, 2015), "Notes from Gog Magog" (Indonesia, 2022), and "A Protest, A Celebration, A Mixed Message" (UK, 2018). The programme also presents "I'll Remember You As You Were, Not As What You'll Become" (USA, 2016). This curated collection will take you on a journey through diverse cultural lenses, engaging you with powerful narratives and thought-provoking themes. Until Dec 22. Free. Bangkok Kunsthalle, 2pm-8pm