What kind of existence are we? What will mankind, once anthropoids, advance to? In a world where environmental destruction is rampant, Are human beings and animals really a confrontational entity? How do we understand the occasional animal nature despite repeated evolution? Suppressed by machine civilization, will humans gradually become cyborgs or goblins? On what grounds are aliens based on human structure?
I think one needs a mark to recognize one’s own existence. Jewelry has served as an identification tag since the beginning. Small and lovely objects that make a delicate difference... The difference makes a distinctness, but the truth frankly makes oneself reveal many of the features inherent in oneself.
By wearing jewelry, I become a monkey, a goblin, and an alien.
As a material, wood has a subtle charm that it once was alive. Its sleek silhouette and flat surface is suitable to conceal its nature. Only eyes, nose and mouth on it help recognize what they really are.
As jewelry, I show the monkey, the goblin, the alien inside me.
Sungho Cho
Cho is a Korean jewelry artist who was trained in Korea, Italy and Germany. He has been exhibiting internationally in solo and group exhibitions since 2010. His works have also been collected in many international public collections.
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