A man stands in the luminous plankton of Jervis Bay
Photograph: Trevor McKinnon | Luminous plankton at Jervis Bay
Photograph: Trevor McKinnon | Luminous plankton at Jervis Bay

The 11 rarest natural phenomena you can witness in Australia

Catch a glimpse of Mother Nature at her most extraordinary


It's no secret that Australia's landscape plays host to a range of wonders. But when you're well and truly caught up in living the city life, it's easy to forget the unmistakable jolt of electricity you feel when encountering the unreal majesty of our natural world.

We've picked out some of Australia's rarest and most spectacular natural phenomena that are worth travelling to the far corners of our country for. But be warned: natural phenomena are fickle and they don't play by the human calendar. So, you'll have to let go and give in to the universe's mysterious natural rhythms – surely that's part of what makes seeing them so incredibly special?

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The rarest natural phenomena in Australia

Bright, beautiful and bedazzling, the Aurora Borealis is a big-ticket bucket list item for pretty much everyone on Earth. But you don’t need to fork out on a ticket to Scandinavia to see the dramatic natural light display IRL. Australia has its very own version, called the Aurora Australis or Southern Lights, which take over the sky in the colder months of the year, flashing luminous shades of violet, blue, green and glowing orange. Your best bet for witnessing the Aurora Australis is to be as far south as possible. Due to having the cleanest air in the world and being closest to the South Pole, Tasmania is the obvious choice. You’ll want to find a place far away from city lights, so you can see the dancing colours shine brightest in the dark, twinkling skies.

When to go: sightings are most common during the cooler months (May to August) and during the spring equinox in September. 

Melissa Woodley
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia

Bioluminescent plankton, Jervis Bay, NSW

Just a three-hour drive from Sydney, Jervis Bay has garnered somewhat of a reputation for its oh-so-idyllic white sand beaches. But after dark, things get a whole lot more interesting. Due to a chemical reaction, the area's plankton becomes bioluminescent and emits a strong, blue-tinted glow. En masse, they light up the sea, and the shore turns into a sparkling, glittering expanse of beautiful lights as the gentle tide continues to lap against the beach, flecked by luminous plankton. Hot tip: scientists have found that the presence of red algae during the day can indicate a higher likelihood of bioluminescence in the evening.

When to go: while this phenomenon can happen at any time of the year, it's more common in the warmer months.


Red Crab Migration, Christmas Island

If the thought of 120 million giant crabs crawling across an island gives you the shivers, we’d recommend skipping out on this one. Described by Sir David Attenborough as “one of his greatest television moments”, this annual red crab migration is one of the most incredible natural spectacles on Earth. The crabs emerge from the rainforests of Christmas Island and make their way to the ocean to breed and lay eggs, following the same migration route each year. Those who aren’t afraid of creepy crawlies can watch the migration and spawning at Drumsite, Flying Fish Cove, Ethel Beach and Greta Beach.

When to visit: the crabs begin their migration after the first rainfall of the wet season, which is typically between October and November. However, it can sometimes be as late as December or January. The exact timing and speed of the migration is determined by the phase of the moon.

Melissa Woodley
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia
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No, that photo isn’t photoshopped. That lake really is bubble gum pink. And before you ask, it hasn’t been dyed, it’s a natural phenomenon. Pink lakes are rare, and only a handful are found around the world. Lake Hillier in Western Australia is Australia’s most famous, and was recently crowned as the tenth most ‘otherworldly’ sight in the world. The natural wonder, shaped like a footprint and 600 metres in length, gets its bubblegum colour from a mix of salt-loving bacteria and algae. You can truly appreciate the magical contrast between Lake Hillier’s bright pink waters and the dark blue Indian Ocean from the sky. In fact, Lake Hillier is only accessible by air (or scenic cruise – but these are rare), with swimming strictly off-limits.

When to visit: during the summer months from December to February. The less water there is, the more vibrant pink the lake appears.

Melissa Woodley
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia

World’s largest dinosaur footprints, Broome, WA

Life has thrived on our extraordinary continent for millions of years, and in a few special places, you can literally step back in time to when dinosaurs walked these lands. Near Broome in Western Australia lies the largest set of fossilised dinosaur footprints in the world – but they're notoriously difficult to find. At Gantheaume Point, travellers can step out onto red sandstone cliffs and wait for the tide to recede to spot the gigantic footprints out at sea. The footprints, which span the size of an average adult human (1.7 metres), are an unfathomable 130 million years old.

When to go: at low tide, which generally occurs twice a day. Timing depends on when you visit, so check the tidal charts before setting out.

Staircase to the Moon, Broome, WA

Those lucky enough to visit Broome during the dry season will have the chance to witness one of the Kimberley's most captivating natural wonders: the Staircase to the Moon. This mesmerising phenomenon occurs when the full moon rises over the mudflats at low tide, casting a reflection that appears as a set of steps rising up to the sky. Roebuck Bay is the only place in the world where you can witness this spectacle, with the Mangrove Hotel’s beer garden providing the best vantage point in town. Depending on weather conditions, sunsets, and tides, Broome sees approximately three Staircase to the Moon events per month from March to October.

When to visit: between March and October. Check out the dates here.

Melissa Woodley
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia

Morning Glory clouds, Burketown, QLD

It's only in the northern tip of Australia, on the Gulf of Carpentaria, that you can spot with any kind of regularity these long, tubular cloud formations that take over the sky. They can be up to 1,000 kilometres long, and around one to two kilometres wide. Thrill-seeking glider pilots flock to the region across late spring to try ride out the currents of air produced by these clouds, which allows them to stay airborne far longer than normal. Scientists have puzzled over the explanation behind this phenomenon in recent times, but it's been recorded and observed for millennia: the Garrawa people of the First Nations knew the strange clouds that would roll through their skies once a year as kangólgi. 

When to go: late September to early November.

Cuttlefish aggregation, Eyre Peninsula, SA

Show us someone cynical about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and we'd show them a picture of a cuttlefish. The annual aggregation of giant cuttlefish in the Spencer Gulf in South Australia is certainly a sight to behold. The gulf is the only place where you can predictably and annually see giant cuttlefish en masse. They regularly switch colours, shifting with alarming rapidity to change their shape and texture to look like rocks, sand, and even seaweed. Want to try spot them yourself? You can snorkel and dive with these mysterious, otherworldly creatures of the deep, on the coastline of the Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park in the Eyre Peninsula between June and July.

When to go:
 during June and July.


Horizontal Falls, Kimberley region, WA

If it raises David Attenborough's eyebrows, you know it's got to be worth a visit. Dubbed by Sir David himself as "Australia’s most unusual natural wonder", the Horizontal Falls in Western Australia's Talbot Bay are a beautiful mystery. Fast-moving tidal currents in the Buccaneer Archipelago force themselves between two narrow gorges, resulting in 'waterfalls' – but on their sides. And that's not all – they reverse themselves, too, every day when the tide turns. To ride the waterfall yourself, you can take a boat through the currents, or take in the view from above via a gorgeous, low-flying scenic flight.  

When to go: any time of the year, at high and low tide. 

Coral spawning, Great Barrier Reef, QLD

Affectionately known by locals as "the world's largest orgasm", coral spawning is the process by which the Great Barrier Reef reproduces. In what is a truly spectacular sight, polyps scatter egg and sperm bundles they’ve been amassing for months into the big blue, where it is fertilised and goes on to populate the reef with more coral. The dispersion of polyps is only visible underwater – so go diving, snorkelling or hop on board a submarine and sail through the reef to witness the majesty of the coral life cycle.

When to go: three to five days after the full moon from November to February.

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Glow on and get your gum boots dirty by venturing into this abandoned rail tunnel just outside of Sydney, where you’ll find one of the largest colony of bioluminescent bugs in NSW. These semi-rare glowworms – essentially the larvae of fungus gnats (small flies) – are only found in dark and humid places across Australia and New Zealand. You’ll audibly gasp as you behold the thousands of blue-glowing bugs, sparkling like stars in vibrant shades of blue and green. Since you can’t knock before entering (the glowworms are disturbed by noise), be sure to avoid flash photography, any kind of smoke or insect repellent, and shining your torch directly at the worms. The tunnels are incredibly slippery after rain, so we’d also recommend checking the tunnels are open before visiting and entering at your own risk.

When to visit: at night, during the warmer months. Avoid visiting after heavy rain as the tunnel can become flooded.

Melissa Woodley
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia

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