
Magpie swooping season is officially underway – here’s how to avoid being attacked in Australia

Check out our handy tips for staying safe from the dive-bombing birds this year

Melissa Woodley
Written by
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia
Swooping magpie in blue sky
Photograph: via Wikimedia Commons

Spooky season is here! And no, we’re not talking about Halloween, we’re talking about magpie swooping season in Australia. If the thought of being pecked on the scalp sends your heart racing, you're not alone. We’ve put together a bunch of handy hints to help you survive the season, without being stabbed in the eye.

When is magpie swooping season in Australia?

In Australia, swooping season typically runs from August to October, peaking in September. But keep in mind that each magpie will only swoop for around six to eight weeks after laying their eggs.

Why do magpies swoop?

Cyclists and runners (aka anything moderately-sized and fast-moving) are prime targets for the six to eight weeks when the daring black-and-white birds build nests, incubate eggs and raise their young. They’ll stop at nothing to protect their chicks from suspecting passers-by, even if it ends in a bloody gash or swollen eye. 

In good news, only eight to ten per cent of magpies actually swoop people. Even rarer are dive bombs that cause injury rather than just scaring you off.

How to stop magpies swooping?

Should you ever stumble into a flappy face-off, then be sure to walk calmly and briskly through the magpie’s turf. Gear up with shades, a hat, a helmet and an umbrella shield if you have to pass through the area again. 

How to stop magpies swooping when cycling?

Dodging magpies on a bike is a sport in itself, and you’ll want to bedazzle your two-wheeler with flags and streamers or attach sticks to your helmet or backpack. Don't forget to stare the feathery acrobats down too, because they’ll think twice before swooping when you've got your eyes on 'em. 

Bonus tip to avoid magpie attacks

Aussies don’t always band together, but when there’s a dive-bombing magpie in question, it’s a different story. You can sniff out swooping hotspots in Australia using this interactive magpie attack tracing map.

When does magpie swooping season end?

Magpie swooping season typically wraps up in Australia in October. Just another reason to look forward to summer! 

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