
Australia’s top ten driving ‘icks’ have been revealed – but we reckon five major ones are missing

How many of these annoying driving habits are you guilty of?

Melissa Woodley
Written by
Melissa Woodley
Travel & News Editor, Time Out Australia
Cars and traffic on road in Sydney
Photograph: James Lauritz | Transport for NSW

When it comes to dating, we all have our list of ‘icks’ (that’s a sudden wave of disgust or repulsion, for you boomers in the back). Chewing loudly, rudeness to waiters, always being late – you get the gist. When it comes to driving, the ‘ick’ list is just as lengthy. A new survey by eBay Australia has revealed the top ten driving ‘icks’ Aussies can’t stand, but we reckon they missed five of the most infuriating ones. 

According to the poll of more than 1,000 Aussie drivers aged 18 and up, the top ‘ick’ on the road is “driving too slow in the right lane.” Any good driver knows the right lane is reserved for overtaking or turning right on highways with speed limits of 80 km/h or more. This gear-grinding habit (pun intended) took out 55 per cent of the votes, with “not parking between the lines” coming in hot at second place with 51 per cent.

Next on the list of pet peeves were drivers who use their “high beams too liberally” at 48 per cent, with people stealing your car spot and drivers who don't use the classic 'thank you' hand wave also being called out. Rounding out the top ten were driving without lights in the rain (39 per cent), loud mufflers (31 per cent), blasting loud music with the windows down (23 per cent), back seat drivers (23 per cent) and cringey bumper stickers (11 per cent).

As much as the list gets our blood boiling, we can’t help but spot five major driving ‘icks’ that are missing. Tailgating definitely tops our list, followed by impatient drivers who honk in traffic queues, unnecessary road rage, last-minute lane changes (made worse without indicating), and those who rev their engines while stationary. But, we're sure you won't recognise yourself in any of the ‘icks’ listed above, right? 

Here are the biggest driving 'icks', according to eBay Australia:

  1. Driving too slow in the right lane
  2. Not parking within the lines 
  3. When fellow drivers use their high beams too liberally 
  4. When fellow drivers take your car spot even though you've indicated
  5. When other drivers don't do the 'thank you' hand gesture when you let them in 
  6. When other drivers don't turn their lights on in the rain 
  7. Cars with loud mufflers 
  8. People who play their music too loudly with the windows down
  9. Back seat drivers
  10. Cringey bumper stickers 

Here are the biggest driving 'icks', according to Time Out Australia:

  1. Tailgating
  2. People who honk in traffic queues
  3. Unnecessary road rage
  4. Changing lanes last minute or without indicating
  5. People who rev their engines while stationary

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