
The lineup for Hot Luck Festival was just announced, and it's full of all-stars

Written by
Erin Kuschner

Hot Luck Fest debuted last summer in Austin, quickly becoming one of our favorite food (and music!) festivals in the city. Now it's back for round two, returning May 24 through May 27—and judging by the just-released lineup, you should probably snag a ticket. 

Chefs include local royalty like Aaron Franklin (co-founder of Hot Luck and founder of Franklin Barbecue); Bryce Gilmore (Odd Duck); Callie Speer (Holy Roller); Jesse Griffiths (Dai Due); Kevin Fink (Emmer & Rye); Laura Sawicki (Launderette); Yoshi Okai (Otoko) and more all-star Austinites. Other Texas chefs include Chris Shepherd (Underbelly); John Tesar (Knife); Rebecca Masson (Fluff Bake Bar); and Steve McHugh (Cured).

Culinary giants are coming in from out of state, too—David Chang (Momofuku) will be there, as will Alex Stupak (Empellón); Andy Ricker (Pok Pok); Ivan Orkin (Ivan Ramen); and Riad Nasr (Frenchette), among others.

The Whole Enchilada passes went on sale back in October, but as of today you can buy individual concert and food tickets starting at $15. Shows span the genre gamut; expect to see Okkervil River, Twin Peaks, Iceage, Con Brio, Paul Cauthen, The Texas Gentlemen, Joshua Hedley and Peanut Butter Wolf. But if you're just going for the food? Splurge on individual food events like Friday's Night Court ($125), Saturday's Al Fuego ($195) and Sunday's Coupe de Grille ($95). Check out the full list of events and tickets here.

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