
The 17 ways you can spot a transplant in Austin

Written by
Anastacia Uriegas

There are signs that someone grew up in Austin, and there are signs that someone definitely came from another planet, er, state, altogether. Not that we're watching your every move (so creepy), but let's just say that when an individual posts a photo of every breakfast taco they eat, we know they're likely a newbie. Here are other signs that you've run into a transplant in Austin:    

1. They form single file lines at bars.

2. They own coats, plural.

3. They try to walk places in the summer.

4. They act like fangirls/fanboys when they see celebrities during SXSW.

5. As soon as you are introduced they don't feel the need to add, “...Austin born and bred.”

6. They wait in very long lines. Like, for a bagel pop-up.

7. They get excited for ACL.

8. When introduced, they ask “How long have you been here?” so that they can tell you how long they have been here, and you can have the requisite conversation about when one can call themselves a real Austinite.

9. They don’t pronounce Manchaca “man-chack”.

10. They paid for their house with cash.

11. Topo Chico: Either they're not on board or they’re way too on board.

12. They naively offer up their couch during SXSW to friends from back home.

13. They're confused when someone refers to a suburb like Circle C or Jollyville.

14. They eat at Stubb’s BBQ.

15. They Instagram every taco they consume.

16. They have a blank look on their face when you mention Leslie or Townes or Daniel or Gibby.

17. They have a Texas license plate. (That's right—plenty of transplants come from other cities in Texas.)

Have any other ideas on how to spot a transplant? Let us know in the comments below!

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