Waterlooplein Market
Photograph: Joao Costa for Time Out

Waterlooplein Flower Market

There are gems to be found at Amsterdam’s biggest flea market, writes Derek Robertson
  • Shopping | Markets and fairs
Derek Robertson

Time Out says

What’s the vibe?

There’s a buzzy but gritty eclecticism to this, the city’s largest – and some say best – flea market. Students and bargain hunters mingle with genuine collectors and those simply browsing the madness across Waterlooplein’s 300 stalls. And the ‘colourful character’ trope extends to the stallholders, most of whom are happy to chat and tell stories. Definitely a fun way to spend a few hours, but keep your valuables safe – this is not the place to flaunt cash and new phones. 

What are the prices like?

Bargain basement shopping is the name of the game here, with many stalls selling some (very) random bric-a-brac and what looks like the contents of long-forgotten cupboards and drawers. Nothing is really very expensive, including the bikes for sale near the entrance. 

What should I buy?

Vintage and old clothes, old books and records, random art, bikes, kids’ toy, coins and stamps…there’s no end to the weird and the wonderful here. Genuine finds might be a little thin on the ground, but they do exist – get hunting!

What’s worth visiting nearby?

Wander southeast and you’ll come across the Hortus Bontanicus and Artis Zoo. Both are worth visiting, but talk a walk down Hoogte Kadijk to see some exceptionally pretty houses before exploring Czar Peterstraat, a quaint little street full of quirky little boutiques, speciality shops, and some great food and drink options.  

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Waterlooplein 2
1011 NZ
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