Wander along the edge of the River Torrens in Adelaide's Riverbank precinct and you might spy something strange: a fleet of donut-shaped, floating vessels with smoke emanating from the middle, manned by people waving tongs. Are they boats? Are they barbecues? Actually, they're both, and they're the best idea ever.
Yes, the BBQ Buoys (see what they did there?) boats combine the tranquillity of floating along the river with the joy of a sausage sizzle, with each circular boat kitted out with a gas grill in the centre. The boats range from couple-sized right up to a ten-seater, with hourly rentals starting at $190 (for two). BYO food and drink, or choose from a range of local beers, wines and ciders, plus pre-made barbecue, cheese and meats, or dessert platters.