Ghana is a country with 7 major languages (Twi, Ga, Fanti, Ewe, Dangbe, Hausa and English), and although you won’t be expected to understand them all, it might help to know a few keywords that you can use to pepper up your conversation and charm or surprise people.
Many Ghanaians speak English or Pidgin English mixed in with words from these local languages to create a distinctive way of talking unique to Ghana.
It is a commonly known fact that although many Africans and people of African descent speak Pidgin English, it is slightly different in every country. Below is a simplified guide to some slang and tribal terms commonly used among the people of Ghana. Together with examples of how they are used:

A beg: I beg, Please:
- 'A beg no wound me'
- 'Please don’t hurt me'
See: On the English-speaking West Coast of Africa, people often use the word ‘see’ instead of the usual ‘look at’.
- Oh chale, see the way he is dancing! He wan embarrass us oh!
- 'Oh dude, look at the way he’s dancing! He’s trying to embarrass us!'
Akata (n): a foreigner, usually an African-American
Akpeteshie: This locally brewed spirit is made from highly fermented palm wine and is highly intoxicating (like moonshine). It is also known as Apio.
Akwaaba: Welcome
Alata: A term commonly used to describe Nigerians, to their great displeasure, as it means pepper seller in their language. (Derived from the Yoruba language)
Asem: Problem(s) (Akan term)
Aunty: In West Africa, the title aunty is given to any older woman to whom deference is shown.
Awam: The word awam (meaning fake) is derived from the abbreviation for the Association of West African Merchants that duped citizens out of their hard-earned money.
Azaa: Dubious
Babylon: England
Boga: A Ghanaian living abroad, this word originated from the word Hamburger after residents of Hamburg, many of who are of Ghanaian origin.
Chale: Friend (Ga term)
Chalewotey: the word for Flip-flops. ‘Chale’ in Ga means friend or buddy and ‘Wote’ means ‘let's go.’ So, literally, the word Chalewotey means ‘my friend let’s go and is a perfect description for the ease with which flip-flops are worn. (Ga term)
Chao: a lot, plenty
Chichinga: Kebabs
Cho: Food
- 'Where de (the) cho dey?'
- 'Where is the food?'
Chopbar: A restaurant that operates mainly by the roadside and serves local dishes. A favourite for workers at lunchtime.

Eti sen: This greeting is equivalent to a 'hi, how are you?' but is literally translated as 'how is it?', to which the response would be ‘ɛyɛ’ (eh-yeh) 'it’s good' or 'it’s fine'. (Akan term)
Hot: to be under pressure
- 'Chale I’m hot!'
- 'My man, I’m under pressure!'
Jot: Cigarette
Kelewele: Ripe plantains diced and marinated in ginger, onions and chilli and then fried. Ghana's equivalent to fast food.
Kubolor: Someone that enjoys wondering and ‘roaming’. (Ga term)
Obroni: White man or white person.
Obroni waawu: Also known as foes, meaning secondhand clothing. It literally means ‘the dead white man’ as these clothes usually came from Europe and were known to be the old garments of Europeans that they no longer required.
Red Red: Fried ripened plantains with beans made with palm oil.

Saa: Really / Is that so? (Akan term)
Sakora: Bald-headed; a totally shaven head.
Sankofa: A famous adinkra proverb derived from the Twi language that literally means go back and get it i.e. if you’ve forgotten your roots, you can always go back and retrace your steps. (Akan term)
Shitɔ: A spicy pepper sauce, which is black in colour and made with crayfish.
Skin Pain: Jealousy
Tatale: Ripe plantain crushed and mixed with flour chilli, onion, ginger and spices, then fried.
Trotro: Also known as trosky, a minibus used for public transportation. Trotro drivers are notorious for their bad driving. They usually have some interesting slogan or the other inked on the rear windscreen. (Ga term)
Waatse: Black eye peas cooked with rice and served with shitɔ (Ga traditional food)