Golden Tulip Hotel
Dan Neilsen
Dan Neilsen

Accra's best hotel bars

At least there's not far to roll into bed! Here's our guide to the best hotel bars


Far from being the dead spaces that many hotel bars are around the world, in Accra they are some of the most vibrant places to have a drink, or a quiet meeting. Here's where to find the best 

  • Hotels
  • Dzorwulu
  • Recommended
The bar and restaurant are very popular with non-residents, thanks to a menu of well-cooked Ghanaian, African and international specialties. Elsewhere, the Ceiba terrace offers a range of snacks and food.
  • Hotels
  • Airport City
  • Recommended
There’s a wide food offering from the pool-side bar (hugely popular on Friday evenings for the sunset), a bar in the lobby and the Wiase Restaurant, which does a superb buffet, especially on Sunday afternoons when locals flock to enjoy a vast Ghanaian spread. 
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