
Time Out helps you discover the best of the city, during your Time Out and your Time In

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Time Out PR
Time Out In logo
Time Out

Since 1968, Time Out has curated the best of the city and has been part of urban cultural life around the world, through good times and more challenging ones. As COVID-19 continues to affect lives across the globe, we’re dedicated to supporting our cities and everyone in them. If you can’t go out right now, we’re still here for you as Time In. We’ll carry on helping you enjoy the best of the city wherever you are. To acknowledge this moment, we have changed our iconic Time Out logo to Time In all over the world this week.

Our team has been working on other stuff too: 

  • Many independent venues are facing a tough time right now. So we are launching a Love Local campaign to show empathy and support for local venues, whether or not people are able to go out to them. We’ll step that up when our cities bounce back and our beloved local favourites are thriving again.
  • As it is our responsibility to do our part to protect everybody, we have decided to temporarily close Time Out Market in Lisbon (as of 14 March 2020), and in Miami, New York, Boston and Chicago (as of Monday morning, 16 March 2020) for as long as required to fully support the local and global efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. After closely monitoring the latest developments, this very difficult decision was taken following updates from both health authorities and local government. More importantly, the decision was taken in the best interests of public health and in order to prioritise the wellbeing and safety of our guests, employees, their families, concessionaires and their teams, as well as the wider community. We are all looking forward to reopening when it is safe and to once again welcome our guests to Time Out Market.
  • We have thorough and comprehensive measures in place to ensure business continuity and the protection of our staff, partners, business and operations - these are being adjusted as needed. Our office-based staff around the world can work remotely if necessary. For now, we are encouraging them to work from home.
  • More than ever during this time, our top priority remains the health and wellbeing of our teams, partners, readers, guests and communities.  

This is an unprecedented situation and we all need to help one another. What will not change is Time Out's dedication to the cities we champion and love. If you’re going OUT or staying IN right now, we are with you. 

Julio Bruno, CEO of Time Out Group

Time Out

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