Last year Inch, real name Inch Chua, packed her bags and left the mainland to settle down at Pulau Ubin for four months to seek solitude and gather inspiration. The outcome? Her latest album, Letters to Ubin.
‘Mousedeer’, the record’s first single – inspired by an encounter with the titular creature – is a dreamy track that lays Inch’s soothing pipes over field recordings from the jungle. So it’s only natural that the music video for the tune is an ode to the islet and its wonders.
Taking charge behind the lens is Sandra Riley Tang of The Sam Willows, whose direction takes a page out of Pinterest mood boards and Tumblr blogs, with twee-some footage of Pulau Ubin bathed in soft golden hues. Set within the scenic nooks of the island, the clip follows Inch as she wades through tall grass, scale a mountain, lounge in a kampong house, and, of course, dance around a campfire.
Cut to the end: night falls and we see a wide-eyed Inch scampering through a forested area, flashing a torch at her surroundings. A representation of the phrase like a deer – or in this case a mousedeer – caught in the headlights? Perhaps.
Read our guide to Pulau Ubin to explore the places featured in the music video.