
6 art gallery exhibits to see in February

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Time Out San Francisco editors

With so many things to do in San Francisco, it's easy to miss the many fantastic art exhibits and shows that pass through smaller galleries, as opposed to big museum shows. While it's nearly impossible for even the most ardent art lover to see it all, we've once again curated a collection of must see exhibits currently (or soon to be) gracing the walls of San Francisco's finest art spaces. Plan accordingly.

"Linda Fahey: SNAKE," Rare Device

Pacifica's own Linda Fahey has long been fascinated with snakes. The (brave) sculptor has even handled live snakes and owns hundreds of research materials on her favorite slithery subject. This month, Rare Device hosts "SNAKE" featuring Fahey's ceramic sculptures of, well, snakes. February 5-March 2, Rare Device, 600 Divisadero Street, SF

"My Hero! Contemporary Art and Superhero Action," Bedford Gallery

There's an art to being a superhero. And there's certainly a thrilling visual world surrounding our comic book icons. The Lesher Center's Bedford Gallery saves the day with their current multi-artist exhibit exploring the magical and thrilling world of superheroes. Through March 20, Bedford Gallery at the Lesher Center for the Arts, 1601 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek

Harvey Milk Photography Center Annual Staff and Volunteer Photography Exhibit

The folks behind San Francisco's beloved Harvey Milk Photography Center do an amazing job managing the oldest and largest community darkroom this side of the Mississippi. And it turns out that they're not too shabby behind the camera. This month-long exhibit features a photographic look at SF from the folks who help us photograph the city. Through March 3, HMPC, 50 Scott Street, SF

"From Here to There," Jessica Silverman Gallery

This exhibit comes to San Francisco directly from Mexico City's famous kurimanzutto gallery. Sixteen artists are included in this exciting show, but we'll be going to see artist Damien Ortega's 15-foot "intestine" made of rolled pennies. Through March 5, Jessica Silverman Gallery, 488 Ellis Street, SF

"The Art of Living Black: Our American Experience," Richmond Art Center

The Richmond Art Center's current exhibit is actually the 20th annual "The Art of Living Black," a yearly exhibit featuring local artists of African American descent. To celebrate this milestone, the Center has curated a powerful array of the most striking works of past shows into this month's 20th anniversary edition. Through March 3, Richmond Art Center, 2540 Barrett Avenue, Richmond

"Peter Hujar: 21 Pictures," Fraenkel Gallery

The late photographer Peter Hujar was (and still is) beloved for his mastery of many subjects, but "21 Pictures" is a show exclusively featuring Hujar's portrait work. Susan Sontag, Diana Vreeland, John Waters and a stunning portrait of Divine are all included in this exciting show. Through March 5, Fraenkel Gallery, 49 Geary Street, SF

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