
Little Fernand (CLOSED)

3 out of 5 stars
  • Restaurants | American
  • price 1 of 4
  • Faubourg Montmartre
  • Recommended

Time Out says

Meuh! Rrrrr! Bzzzz! Bêêêê! Thus reads the menu at Little Fernand, the upstart progeny of fast food success Big Fernand. While you might be unfamiliar with French farm animal noises (in English: Moo! Grrrr! Bzzzz! Baaaa!), you’ll have no trouble with the product. While Fernand senior concentrates on gourmet burgers, the focus here is all luxuriously pimped hot dogs, rolling in quality goat’s cheese, Fourme d’Ambert and Vache Qui Rit.

It’s an attractive idea, but before you get to try it out you’ll have to brave the endless queues, with little chance of getting hold of one of the tiny venue’s 15 seats. Get your dog to go, then, ordered from welcoming and enthusiastic servers. The menu is well-though-out, using quality ingredients, and the luscious hot dogs are excellent. Just one problem: the price. They might be good and filling, but €10 a throw (no drinks or desserts included) is still a lot to pay for what is still, in the end, a sausage in a bun.


45 rue du Faubourg-Poissonnière
Métro : Cadet ou Poissonnière
Opening hours:
Du lundi au samedi, de midi à 14h30 et de 19h30 à 22h30. Fermé le dimanche.
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