The last of the Disney animated features conceived under the great Walt's perfectionist reign of terror, this 1970 Technicolor classic marks the move towards the less labour-intensive ink-and-wash cell design which followed. The ersatz Parisian atmosphere, circa 1910, is a wonder. Maurice Chevalier may have made the theme song familiar, but the voice cast boasts a fine array of ex-pats: spinster cat-lover Mme Bonfamille is Hermione Baddeley; the conniving butler - the cad who casts her cats into the countryside to inherit her wealth - is Roddy Maude-Roxby; her beloved cat Duchess the seductive Eva Gabor. As Scatman Crothers has it: 'Everybody's picking up the feline beat, 'cos everything else is ob-so-lete!' Purr-fect.
The AristoCats
Time Out says
Release Details
- Duration:78 mins
Cast and crew
- Director:Wolfgang Reitherman
- Screenwriter:Ralph Wright, Frank Thomas, Vance Gerry, Ken Anderson, Eric Cleworth, Julius Svendsen, Larry Clemmons
- Cast:
- Roddy Maude-Roxby
- Eva Gabor
- Phil Harris
- Hermione Baddeley
- Sterling Holloway
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