Tiny, the Community Bookstore's cat
Photograph: Alex Strada | Tiny, the Community Bookstore's cat
Photograph: Alex Strada

Where to meet the cats of New York

Want a kitty without the commitment? Just drop by these famous NYC establishments.

Don't have a cat of your own? Don't worry—there are plenty of venues around NYC you can visit to satiate your feline fixation. You don't have to be a crazy cat lady to appreciate these store mascots, so stop by and say hello!
  • Hotels
  • Chain hotels
  • Midtown West
Many, many Matildas have roamed the Algonquin’s halls over the years. (Since the 1930s, it’s been tradition to name the hotel’s resident pussy Hamlet or Matilda, depending on its sex.) This Matilda, though, is a very modern lady: The feline, who can be spotted at the hotel’s Blue Bar, has her own e-mail address (matildaalgonquincat@algonquinhotel.com). What a diva. • 212-840-6800, algonquinhotel.com
  • Shopping
  • Music and entertainment
  • West Village
Man, this fat cat has one badass name, huh? (Sadly, her older brother, the equally awesome-sounding Scuzzball, passed away recently.) Despite her physique, last year she made the long (read: three-block) trek to the vinyl shop’s new digs on West 4th Street. And according to the store’s owners, she’s as unfriendly and unimpressed as your stereotypical record clerk. Again: badass. • 212-255-7899, bleeckerstreetrecordsnyc.com
  • Shopping
  • Bookstores
  • Park Slope
The gray and white kitty at this Park Slope staple gets along well with humans—and will probably let you give him some ear scratches before he wanders off to take a nap somewhere. Fair warning to people who tote along Fido: Tiny has been known to get into scraps with dogs. (And our money’s on Tiny.) • 718-783-3075, communitybookstore.net

The Copy Cats at Park Slope Copy Center

Stinky and Boom-Boom a.k.a. Mr. Charlie and The Sister, a striped brother-sister pair are long-term residents at Park Slope Copy Center. The “Copy Cats” have been lounging on the establishment’s toasty photocopy machines for the past seven years. The origin of the kitties is unknown, but they seem to have a good sense of humor: a customer reported finding a copy of Mr. Charlie’s furry belly in the printer tray, and the duo has been snapped for the Copy Center’s postcards and calendars. • 718-783-0268, parkslopecopy.com
  • Shopping
  • Grocery stores
  • West Village
This adopted kitty made headlines on CNN in 2006 for her extended stay in the wall between her British specialty food shop abode, Myers of Keswick, and the next building. Molly was stuck for two weeks (likely surviving off NYC’s mouse population, yum) before a water tunnel worker rescued her. TV appearances on Regis and Kelly and Good Day New York, plus an announcement of the rescue at a Mets game made Molly a celebrity—though she now prefers a low-key lifestyle and hides when visitors (from all over the world) drop by for a visit with the feline star. • 212-691-4194, myersofkeswick.com
  • Shopping
  • Cosmetics
  • Greenwich Village
Notable for being the oldest pharmacy in the country West Village establishment C.O. Bigelow has been in business for 176 years, and the apothecary’s first cat, Mr. Bigelow, was so beloved that he received his own obituary in the New York Times when he died in 1995 (yes and we have proof). The pharmacy’s owner Ian Ginsberg admits to having customers visit the store just for the famous felines. Bigelow’s current cat-in-residence is a shy six-year-old rescue named Allegra. • 212-533-2700, bigelowchemists.com
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