1. Chelsea Clinton / Daenerys Targaryen

Presidential power daughter Chelsea—whose FBI code name was “Energy”—is the perfect match for Targaryen princess turned Mother of Dragons Daenerys, who is too cool for a code name.
We’re not sure it’s possible to be any more excited about the new season of Game of Thrones than we already are (we’re actually designing our own Time Out New York sigil right now). So, in order to whip ourselves into a complete frenzy, we’ve imagined our favorite GoT characters as played by our favorite notable New Yorkers—including Lena Dunham, Neil Patrick Harris and Debbie Harry. The results make us feel quite giddy. Valar dohaeris, New York!
Presidential power daughter Chelsea—whose FBI code name was “Energy”—is the perfect match for Targaryen princess turned Mother of Dragons Daenerys, who is too cool for a code name.
There is only one New Yorker who can play mysterious, awesome Jaqen, the shape-shifting assassin from Braavos—and that's mysterious, awesome Bill Murray. Remember that scene at the end of season two, where Jaqen’s face changes? Now imagine it’s Bill’s face changing. Shivers city!
Just look at their frickin’ faces! This one is all about bone structure and being ice cool. And smokin’ hot. Debbie would do an awesome job with Melisandre’s potions and Lord of Light spells. Melisandre would probably also do a mean version of “Denis” at karaoke.
If the Hudson River is the Narrow Sea to the wilds of Jersey, then Bruce Springsteen must be Khal Drogo—the Boss of the Dothraki Sea. Or Shore.
Power-hungry, ethics-bereft rich despot plays…you get the point.
So Yoko’s a lady and Bran’s a teenage boy! Who cares? Both are enchanted and have special magical powers. Seriously, if there’s any New Yorker who has "the sight," it’s Yoko.
Like Cersei, Sandra’s not a woman who takes any shit. And you know she’ll have another glass of wine and make an utterly inappropriate joke.
Do we even need to explain this one? Sophisticated, indomitable Vogue editrix plays crisp, master matriach Olenna Tyrell. The devil wears a wimple, people.
You can imagine Alec Baldwin would be kinda scary when he’s mad, no? Maybe not grunting, prince-slaying “The Mountain” mad. But it’d be nice to have a bit of warmth in the gladiatorial ring for once, wouldn’t it?
Only someone as unafraid to be herself—bold, clumsy, sexy, all of it—could play Theon Greyjoy’s wild-hearted warrior sister. She’ll add a nice bit of Woody Allen–style New York anxiety to the part, too.
Ah, Ser Loras Tyrell, able knight and jouster and lover of would-be king (except he ended up dead) Renly Baratheon. Loris is pretty, aloof and secretly very naughty: the perfect role for Neil Patrick Harris.
One of the joys of Game of Thrones is its strong women characters, of whom the mighty Brienne of Tarth is one. Orange Is the New Black star Taylor Schilling would fit right into Brienne’s suit of armor, and give Brienne a welcome dose of vulnerability to boot.
If you were being pushed around on a sled with scary White Walkers lurking at every turn, which New Yorker would you have protecting you? Sturdy, dependable Liev Schreiber, of course! There's just not too much dialogue for Liev…
Look. Tyrion is Tyrion. As this amazing Peter Dinklage ringtone mash-up attests, Dinklage is Tyrion is Dinklage is Tyrion, and that's just how it is.
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