Polar Bear Club

“Party with the Polar Bears in Coney Island! My routine is to take a sunrise stroll along the snowy boardwalk, get brunch at Tom’s and then watch them swim. When the wind blows through the closed amusement park rides, it creates this magical wintertime symphony.”
—Lola Star creator, Lola Star Boutiques and Lola Star’s Dreamland Roller Disco
Ah, the Polar Bears. These brave creatures of habit have been taking wintry swims in the Atlantic since 1903, making them the oldest cold-weather bathing team in the U.S. Want to take the plunge? Every Sunday from November to April, they meet at 12:30pm for a 1 o’clock swim. And while membership is closed for the current season, they do allow guest swimmers. (Email buell@rcn.com to get on the list and be assigned a swimming buddy.) Dippers claim the experience is rejuvenating, fun and one hell of a hangover cure. But if you’re still too skittish, do like Star and cocoon in a blanket while watching others freeze their asses off. Meet at the New York Aquarium Education Hall, the Coney Island Beach Boardwalk at W 8th St, Brooklyn (polarbearclub.org). Sun at 12:30pm; free.