Photograph: Filip Wolak
Photograph: Filip Wolak |

Coney Island Beard and Moustache Festival

Coney Island Beard and Moustache Competition 2012 (SLIDE SHOW)

Superlative handlebar mustaches, overgrown muttonchops and Santa Claus beards battled for facial hair honors.


Grooming has never seemed so artistic as at the annual Coney Island Beard and Moustache Competition. Whiskered New Yorkers, as well as some with false facial hair, decended on the boardwalk for a trial of best beards and magisterial mustaches. We will never think of follicles the same way after seeing octopuslike tenticles growing from a man's chin, NSFW entries on ladies and a tween with an overgrown Blues Brothers–type lip tickler. See some of the competitors in our slide show.

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