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There’s bacon and beer. Honestly, we could just write those four words and leave it at that. But you’d probably like to know some more information about the Bacon and Beer Classic. There’ll be more than 20 restaurants selling all kinds of bacon-related treats. Like, say, candied bacon. Chocolate bacon. Spicy jerked bacon. The list goes on. There’ll also be 35 breweries (and counting at time of going to press), allowing you as many three-ounce samples of their craft beers as you can handle. Yep. So, to recap: That’s unlimited bacon and unlimited beer for just $59. Designated drivers get a $20 discount, and the fancy $129 VIP ticket gets you a tour of the stadium and an extra hour to chow down. Think of all that bacon, though. And all that beer. We’d appreciate it if you didn’t drool all over our magazine as you read this.
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