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1. The one you drunkenly made out with but don’t really remember, then search for on Facebook the next morning.
2. The person who invites you back to their place, but you’re still not entirely convinced they’re not a murderer.
3. The one who wants to turn your terrible dating pasts into a contest.
4. The “sensitive” hipster who takes you back to their apartment, then immediately picks up a guitar to sing you a song they wrote about their ex.
5. The guy who’s not listening to anything you say because he’s too busy mentally feeling you up.
6. That person who suddenly rams their tongue down your throat with no warning, right as you're in the middle of a sentence.
7. The guy who obsessively talks about “cuddling.”
8. The Wall Street douchebag who learned everything he knows about foreplay from porn (or possibly American Psycho).
9. That guy who drunkenly decides to pick you up and spin you around in the middle of a crowded bar.
10. The person who’s clearly such an asshole, even their local waiters/baristas/bartenders look suicidal when they walk in.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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