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It used to be, the only time you heard New Yorkers mutter words like cleanse and raw, it was after a rough Friday night. But juice diets and caveman cuisine are increasingly part of the average Gothamite's diet, as evidenced by the opening on September 28th of Hu Kitchen, a bi-level Union Square market dedicated to "pre-industrial and pre-agrarian" fare. Founded by health-conscious siblings Jordan Brown and Jessica Karp (who formerly worked in real estate and finance, respectively), the market features various sections serving prepared and fresh foods: a yogurt bar with four types of house-made granola and almond and cashew butters; a cold-press juice bar where you can grab a carrot-apple-ginger bottle to go; and a made-to-order counter, offering rotisserie chickens coated with coconut sugar and kale salad with goji berries. Munch on your antioxidant-rich meal upstairs, where the tables are made from cross-sections of Indonesian trees, and a balcony affords a view of the bustling square. 78 Fifth Ave at 14th St (212-510-8919)
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