Photograph: Virginia Rollison
Photograph: Virginia Rollison |

Although he’s spent most of his career working as a budget coordinator on film productions, Ehren David Edralin’s love for browsing style blogs inspired him to fill a void that he noticed was missing on most popular fashion sites: the male perspective. This past February, the Soho resident launched Masculine Manhattan (, showcasing well-dressed guys in New York’s most bustling borough. Edralin sets out four days a week with his Canon Rebel XTi to snap paparazzi-style photos of unsuspecting men on the street. “Sometimes, it’s not even about the clothes, but about the way a guy carries himself,” notes Edralin. “It could be his nonchalance, aloofness or confidence, but mostly it’s his masculinity.” We hit the streets of Edralin’s neighborhood to put his theory to the test.

Street fashion with Ehren David Edralin, Masculine Manhattan blogger

Masculine Manhattan blogger Ehren David Edralin takes us on a search for fashionable men in Soho.

Masculine Manhattan blogger Ehren David Edralin regularly shoots stylish guys for his site, so we had him guest-edit Time Out New York’s street-fashion column, scouting fashionable men in Soho. We encountered males in cool kicks from Converse and Nike, casual basics from Gant and Levi’s, and accessories from Jack Spade and Topman.
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