Photograph: Courtesy of THE OUT NYC
Photograph: Courtesy of THE OUT NYC |

The Spa at the OUT NYC

New York spas for men: four spots that focus on guys

Most New York spas are guy-friendly, but certain places specialize in services for the male persuasion. Here are four of the best spas for men around town.


Guys sometimes get slighted at New York's pampering spots. But there are a few barbershops, salons and spas in NYC that devote a solid chunk of their menu (if not all of it) to massages, facial and offbeat treatments designed for just men. Four of our male editors test out some spas for men.

RECOMMENDED: New York spas guide 2013

  • Health and beauty
  • Spas
  • Lenox Hill
  • price 2 of 4
The barber area of the steampunkish space is clearly for the boys, with its pair of black-leather-and-chrome chairs and Sailor Jerry aesthetic. My master barber, Justin Virgil, slathered my face with Close Shavers Shaving Formula 31–O preshave oil, followed by White Eagle shave cream and, finally, hot foam. A steamy eucalyptus-scented towel was applied between each potion for maximum whisker softening. Once the straight-razor shave itself started, Justin meticulously dispatched my 5 o’clock shadow. A postshave toner followed by a soothing mask and Facial Fuel moisturizer wrapped up the experience, and I walked away with none of the blotches or bloody spots typical of my own handiwork. Most products used in the service are available in the shop, so you can easily upgrade your at-home routine. 888-772-1851, $55.—Ethan LaCroix
  • Health and beauty
  • Spas
  • Hell's Kitchen
  • price 2 of 4
It’s easy to forget that you’re just a few blocks from Times Square when lounging in the glass-covered atrium of the spa at the OUT NYC, a gay-oriented (but “straight-friendly”) hotel. I opted for a facial, and felt completely comfortable as manager Christopher Drummond guided me through its many stages: a wash of OSEA Ocean cleanser, a gentle microdermabrasion scrub, an oxygen serum, an aloe mask and an antiaging balm (with brief intermissions of warm towels). Bonus: Booking any service gives you free access to the spa’s facilities, including the gym and deck. 646-527-7940, 60mins regularly $140, 90mins regularly $185. Mention TONY when booking or at check-in for 15 percent off this service through Jan 31.—Adam Feldman
  • Health and beauty
  • Spas
  • Midtown East
  • price 3 of 4
The reception area of this guy-oriented salon—with its flatscreen TVs tuned to football games and open bar stocked with Sixpoint lager and Scotch—says it all: This is a man’s world. After I helped myself to a drink, my hairstylist, Miriam Vargas, conducted a thorough assessment of my preferences, dispelling the quiet desperation that accompanies most of my haircuts. Next, I was seated at a sink, my head shampooed with Redken Color Extend, then kneaded. The staff escorted me to one of several red leather barber chairs and Vargas set to nipping and cutting with scissors. My shoes were soon removed to be shined, and a manicurist scooted up to my side to clean, sand, moisturize and rub my digits into hand-model-worthy appearance. While savoring the novel sensation of having one’s hair and nails cut simultaneously, I eavesdropped on my fellow customers, who traded tales about high-end Mexican hotels. After a rinse, Vargas applied Mop Orange Peel molding cream to my hair before sending me off to a dinner date, feeling like a spiffier, shinier man. 212-683-9400, $88.—Christopher Ross

John Allan’s: Sports pedicure

With a muted color scheme of browns and grays, the midtown location of this men’s club mirrors the professional, mostly middle-aged clientele I joined on a Tuesday morning. To start, I was offered coffee, iced tea or a beer (Sam Adams or Coors Light), then led to a private room off the main open-plan floor. The treatment itself began with each nail being cut, filed and buffed efore the manicurist used a succession of scrapers and pliers to clean the cuticles and remove the gunk from under the nail. Then came a sanding—vigorous and firm—of the heels, toes and balls of my feet. At this point, I expected comments on the amount of sloughed skin gathering on my technician’s lap, but I was mercifully spared a lecture. The service ended with the application of a CND Spapedicure scrub and mask, a hot towel wrap and a quick massage. The difference between my pre- and post-treatment feet was incredible—I’ll be back so that I don’t need to hide my trotters under a towel the next time I’m poolside. Visit 45–60min; $49.—Jonathan Shannon
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