Apartment Therapy staffer Ashley Anderson tapped her crafty side to give Craigslist scores and street finds new life for her Murray Hill abode. She also shops for new pieces from CB2, Ikea and Pottery Barn, and considers Olde Good Things and Haus Interior among her favorite NYC home-decor stores.
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Olde Good Things
Locations throughout the city; visit ogtstore.com
The Bowery location of this antique and salvaged-goods minichain is near Anderson’s office, so she “wanders there whenever I can,” she says. “It’s perfectly curated and full of one-of-a-kind items.”
Haus Interior
250 Elizabeth St between Houston and Prince Sts (212-741-0455, hausinterior.com)
Anderson hits up this homewares boutique for its selection of up-and-coming labels, such as Farmhouse Pottery (farmhousepottery.com) and Bushwick rug designer Aelfie (aelfie.com). “It’s a good spot for unique gifts,” she says.
Nuthouse Hardware
202 E 29th St between Second and Third Aves (212-545-1447, nuthousehardware.com)
This hardware store is Anderson’s go-to spot for paint, tools and other DIY supplies. “It’s open 24 hours a day, which is great because I feel like most of my projects start at 1am,” she says. “It has anything you’ll ever need at pretty good prices.”