Photograph: Emily Andrews
Photograph: Emily Andrews |

Retired geography professor and avid world traveler Bill Shumaker has amassed an eclectic collection of art and artifacts from every corner of the globe. Shumaker, who lives on the bottom two floors of a 19th-century brownstone he purchased in the early 1970s, has adorned his 2,400-square-foot space with mementos that remind him of international journeys and friends. “I have had to think about it in conceptual ways,” he says of the decorating process. “Was there any logic to what I had surrounded myself with? Everything in the house has a personal connection to me.”

Apartment tour: 3BR in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Travel souvenirs and paintings from artist-friends make globe-trotter Bill Shumaker’s brownstone feel like a truly personal space.


Retired teacher Bill Shumaker lets us peek inside his Brooklyn brownstone. Although he largely fills his abode with travel souvenirs and paintings from artist-friends, he also shops at home-design stores such as Pearl River Mart and Sterling Place for unique accents.

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Mandala Tibetan 17 St. Marks Pl between Second and Third Aves (212-260-1550) Shumaker appreciates the selection of Tibetan crafts and decorative items at this cozy hidden gem. “It has a great variety of unique pieces at reasonable prices,” he says.

Pearl River Mart 477 Broadway between Broome and Grand Sts (212-431-4770, “It’s inexpensive and full of things you never knew you wanted,” says Shumaker of this affordable Chinese megastore, which sells everything from Asian groceries to Buddha statues.

Sterling Place 363 Atlantic Ave between Bond and Hoyt Sts, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn (718-797-5667) • 352 Seventh Ave at 10th St, Park Slope, Brooklyn (718-499-4800) • Shumaker frequents this gift shop for its ever-changing, eclectic array of home furnishings and antiques. “It has a potpourri of one-of-a-kind items and a very helpful staff,” he notes.

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