Seeking Missed Connections

Seeking missed connections


Cast your mind back to our Sex issue [TONY 830]. To coincide with Sophie Blackall’s sweetly whimsical book of illustrated Craigslist ads titled Missed Connections: Love, Lost and Found, we asked for your stories of blown opportunities and romantic yearning. We’re pleased to announce the winner, Cat Hughes, whose story broke through our hearts’ stony exteriors to reveal the fragile cores beneath. Congratulations, Cat, signed copies of the illustration and book are on their way. And now, to the story:

“You were wearing an average office suit with an admirably messy haircut. I was the girl with brown curly hair and a blouse with horses on it. We did that awkward back-and-forth shuffle of two strangers trying to pass each other on the street; then you grabbed me and gently swirled me in a mini waltz in the middle of the lunchtime shoppers and angry passersby. I would understand that moment if it happened now—two people sharing a delicate second in a day that hadn’t gone [according] to plan. But no, when it happened I was in my awkward early twenties, so I just frowned, trudged away and hoped no one had noticed. Thanks for making my day.”

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