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Gone Girl

Even before David Fincher’s thriller dominated date nights across America, the poster did an evocative job of suggesting personal loss, a dash of media scandal and—subtly, with those eyes up top—a hint of omniscience.—JR

The 30 best movie posters of 2014

Sure, we saw the movies—and loved a bunch of them—but sometimes the posters were enough


Some of the best movies of 2014 weren't easy sells. For every “a boy grows up right before your eyes over 12 richly detailed years!” (Boyhood) there was a “Yet another Coppola is making movies, and she's into teenagers too!” (thanks, Palo Alto). As it turned out, we were impressed by some of the sensitive work that went into the year's best posters, delivering more than just their respective movies, but a full-on mood.

RECOMMENDED: Best of 2014
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